Friday, February 14, 2020

Introduction and Guide to Possum Removal

Do you need help for possum removal? If you have possums in your roof, you’ll need to get them professionally removed by a pest control specialist just like pest control north brisbane does.  Here’s everything you need to know.

Why Remove Possums?

Possums are gorgeous animals but if they’ve gotten into your roof, you’ll know how annoying they can be – thundering around making lots of noise and disturbing your sleep for one!  This isn’t just the only problem though.  Possums can cause significant amounts of damage to your home’s wiring and to the roof itself and these problems can end up costing big dollars to fix.

Removing Possums from Your Home

Possums are surprisingly crafty at getting into the roof of your home, so you or a professional will need to take a look around the roof and seal all of the obvious entry points.  The sealing will need to be done with suitably strong materials so that the possums don’t just get back in again in the future.  If you currently have possums, the professionals will install one way exits on the common possum access point – the possums will be able to get out of your roof but not back in!  Once all possums have left, the entry points are sealed.  In rare cases, where the possum just won’t leave itself, the professional may need to catch the possum inside your roof using a special possum cage.  The possum is then released onto your property (possums generally don’t survive relocation and it is illegal to move them from their home).

As well as doing all this, the possum removal professional will also check the ridge capping, the gables and the eaves, and seal these as necessary (such as through re-pointing).  They’ll also make sure there are no loose spots on your roof or any broken tiles that can give access.  Also, you may be surprised to learn that if you have possums in your roof, you may also have rats, so rat baiting is commonly done when the possums are removed.  Never bait for rats while possums are still present.

Provide an Alternative Shelter for the Possums

If you like possums but don’t like them in your roof, an easy way to stop them from going back into your roof again is by providing them with an alternative shelter.  A possum box is ideal for this and you can install it in a tree , or even on a pole.  Based on possum removal north brisbane. While you can’t keep the possum as a pet, hopefully the possum will be attracted to your possum box and use it as a home!

Who Removes Possums?

If you have possums in your home, you’ll need to call a possum removal company  These are the best people to use as they will humanely move the possums from your roof and block up all the entry points so that they can’t get back in.

Source:  Possum Removal

How to Get Rid of Termites Infestation

What is a Subterranean Termite?
Termites are one of the worst wood destroying organisms in North Brisbane. Termites are known as "silent destroyers" because they can completely devastate a home's flooring, roofing, foundation, and furniture. While a termite colony doesn’t eat a home quickly, usually eating a cubic food of wood in a year, termite infestations can go undiscovered for years at a time, giving the termites more than enough time to damage the wood inside of your home. According to the Australia Environmental Protection Agency, homeowners in the Australia spend over two billion dollars a year to treat termite damages. Termintes Control North Brisbane says the damage that termites cause worldwide costs more than fires, floods, and hurricanes combined.

Subterranean termites are one of the most common types of termites in the Australia, as well as the most destructive. The EPA estimates that 80% of the two billion dollars spent each year on termite treatment is caused by these subterranean termites. These subterranean termites built their nests underground, and will only eat softwood rather than hardwood. These termites create mud tubes from their nests to food sources, like your home.

Worker Termites
Termites have flat soft bodies. Termites also have straight antennae and large strong jaws. They will also have six stubby legs attached to their bodies. The worker termite is the termite that causes the destruction in your home. They eat only cellulose… more commonly known as wood. This termite uses its jaws to tear pieces of wood away from your home’s walls and structure, and their internal organs shred it. These termites have special enzymes inside of their body that help them to digest the cellulose of the wood. These are the termites that eat the wood of your home, and they will feed the rest of their colony using their partially digested meals.

Soldier Termites
A soldier termite doesn't eat any actual wood, but instead protects the colony from danger (like ants) by spraying an acid and crushing any enemy ants that invade the colony with their large jaws. Soldier termites can't actually feed themselves because their jaws are so big, so they must rely on worker termites to help them. Since the soldier termites do not care for the young of the colony, this means that soldier termites are left to die during a fight if there is a tunnel breach. Once the breach in tunnel is fixed and repaired, soldier termites can't get back into the colony, so they end up dying en masse.

Reproductive Termites
All termite colonies have reproducing termites that become the new kings and queens of a new termite colony. These termites, also known as alates, have wings. These wings are generally teardrop shaped and the same size on either side of its body. They’re also known as “swarmers” as they will leave the nest in swarms and try to find a mate. Once they find a mate, they will fly off, discard their wings, and start a brand-new colony.

Queen Termite
A queen termite is a baby-termite-making machine and can produce up to 30,000 eggs a day. Queens produce an egg every three seconds for 15 years. Once a queen dies, the colony dies as well, since the queen is not reproducing any more termites. These colonies can be reinstated if another reproductive termite takes over.

How to Get Rid of Termites
Since termites can cause such devastation within a home, it’s recommended that you do not attempt to DIY pest control treatment for these insects. Although you can try to prevent termites by diverting water away from your foundation and providing large gaps between the ground and outward facing wood, if your home already has an infestation, you will need to call a pest control expert to kill the termites. Usually, this requires some sort of fumigation. If you have a Pest Control North Brisbane through Landmark that covers pest control, you can have help with subterranean termite pest control!

Termites and Pest Control North Brisbane and Subterranean Termite Pest Control
Termites and Pest Control North Brisbane offers some plans that cover pest control. If your home is covered under a home warranty with pest control, you are covered when it comes to subterranean termites. If you suspect termites are in your home, all you have to do is call Termites and Pest Control North Brisbane and open a service request. Then, a termite pest control expert will come out to your home.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Know Your Enemies: The Common Cockroaches Found in a Home

“What are you afraid of?” When it comes to this question, one answer that is common to hear is this insect of the order Blattodea called cockroach. There are thousands of species of cockroaches and out of these thousands of species about four of them are considered pests.
Cockroaches are most brown and black in colors. Depending on the species, some cockroaches can be 3 inches long. In terms of structure and features of the body, cockroaches have flattened bodies, six legs that have tiny hairs, long antennae, and wings. 
Not all cockroaches can fly. For cockroaches, wings do not guarantee flying. Many species of cockroaches have wings, but there are some who cannot use it at all to fly.
An animal or any living organism is branded as pests when they cause human concerns or when they are nuisance and troubles. There are cockroaches that are considered pests because they invade houses and other human dwellings and pose health risks.
Common cockroaches in human dwellings
Which type of cockroach infestations are common in houses and buildings? Like what we read there are thousands of species of cockroaches but not all of them dwell inside our properties or houses. The unhygienic cockroaches that we usually see in commercial buildings and residences are the following:
Oriental Cockroach
Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) loves moist or dark surroundings that is why they can be mostly found in sewers. Adult male water bugs or oriental cockroaches are usually 18 to 29 millimetre long while adult female oriental cockroaches measure about 20 to 27 millimetre. There are oriental cockroaches that are reddish-brown but generally, oriental cockroaches are blackish. 
Oriental cockroaches have strong, musty, and foul odor. Their egg case contains 16 to 18 eggs. Oriental cockroaches love living outdoor. They often can be found under stones or rocks, porches, or under trash cans. Indoors, their nests are usually in kitchen cabinets, behind refrigerators and cabinets, and other narrow spaces.
Signs of oriental cockroach infestation include their strong musty odor, feces, egg capsules or egg cases, and dead cockroaches. 
Trivia: Oriental cockroaches are non-flying roaches. Both male and female oriental cockroaches have wings that are different from one another but both have no abilities to fly. 
American Cockroach
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) when adults are reddish-brown with an almost yellow color band around their pronotum. These cockroaches can be found not just in a certain country but all around the world. American cockroaches can reach up to about 2 inches in length. These types of cockroaches has well-developed wings when adult and can fly but for short distances only.
American cockroaches’ egg case contains 16 eggs. On average, an adult female cockroaches produce 150 young in her whole lifespan. These cockroaches are fast runners, their presence is more common in places or areas with warmer climates.
When it comes to what they eat, American cockroaches seem to have no problem with food as they eat almost anything like fruits, bread, fish, papers, clothes and even hair and dead insects. One of the common ways American cockroach enters residences are through plumbing from sewers and through trees that are beside properties.
Trivia: American cockroaches almost eat anything but they particularly like sweets. 
Australian Cockroach
Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae) has a big resemblance with American cockroach but unlike American cockroaches, Australian cockroaches have yellow bands on the upper margins of their forewings. They measure between 1.2 to 1.5 inches long and their color is reddish-brown to dark brown. Distinguishing a male Australian cockroach from a female of their type could be a difficult task but a difference they have from each other is that adult male Australian cockroach has two pairs of appendages while the adult female Australian cockroach has only one pair of appendages at the tip of the abdomen.
Australian cockroach likes warm and humid environments. They are found mostly outdoors and when indoors they are usually inside and behind drawers. Because Australian cockroaches love heat and humidity, inside the house they can be mostly found too in places like heated fish tanks. The egg case of an Australian cockroach contains 22 to 24 eggs. 
Australian cockroaches are good fliers, because of this ability it is a bit easy for them to enter houses when they are in the trees near the properties. 
German Cockroach
German cockroach (Blattella germanica) are often confused with Asian cockroach because of their many similarities that they are almost look alike. These cockroaches are about ½ inch to 5/8 inch long. Their color is tan to light brown with two dark stripes on their back. In spite of having wings, German cockroach doesn't fly.
German cockroach likes a warm and moist environment. They could be considered as the common species that could be found in most residential areas and commercial buildings like hotels and restaurants. Their egg case holds about 40 eggs. 
German cockroaches are widespread all over the world. They commonly enter houses by going inside grocery bags and cardboard boxes, cartons, and luggage. German cockroaches have a significantly fast reproduction rate. German cockroaches can breed up to six generations in just a matter of one year. 
Trivia: Did you know German cockroaches also eat soap and toothpaste? 
Brown-banded Cockroach
Brown-branded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) is widespread throughout the world. They are called Brown-banded cockroaches because they have two brown bands in their wings and abdomen. Their color is light gold to dark brown that looks glossy. Their sizes range from 11 to 14.5 millimetre. Male and female wings are different in sizes. Female Brown-banded cockroaches’ wings are shorter compared to the males. The male’s wings cover and reach the tip of their abdomens while the female's wings are shorter than their bodies. The female Brown-banded cockroaches do not have the ability to fly. Their egg capsule contains approximately 16 eggs. 
Brown-banded cockroaches can be found not only in the kitchen where there a lot of food sources for them, but they can also be found in areas like the bedrooms.  
Trivia: Brown-banded cockroaches spend their entire life indoors.
How dangerous are cockroaches?
Cockroaches can carry serious diseases. These insects like to linger and feed on decaying matter and then fly or run to our food. In just seconds a cockroach can deposit harmful organisms on food and other things we like to touch or hold every day. 
Cockroaches are known to spread 33 kinds of bacteria. Salmonella Typhi which causes Typhoid that can be fatal and Poliomyelitis which causes Polio- a potentially deadly disease too- are just two of the alarming health risks cockroaches pose. 
There are scientists that even suggest that the infestations of cockroaches, specifically the German cockroach can cause psychological stress to humans. 
What attracts them?
What attracts cockroaches in human dwellings? Cockroaches stay in places where they can find food and shelter. Dirty dishes, crumbs, and moisture and dampness are like a big welcome signal for cockroaches. Cracks and crevices invite cockroach too as well as the tiny spaces on the sides and behind refrigerators and cabinets. 
Signs of roach infestation
Seeing their presence
If there is a cockroach infestation in your house there will be no chance that you will not see their presence, especially at night when you turn on the lights. You might find a few of them flying or crawling on the floor and wall.
Strong musty and foul odor
A strong musty odor is associated with cockroaches. When there is an infestation, you might smell this odor in the air or a particular area in your house or just inside the cabinets.
Cockroach droppings
Fecal droppings are an indication that there might be a cockroach infestation already in the house. The droppings of the smaller cockroaches look a bit like black pepper in appearance.
Dead cockroaches or their body parts in the house
Some dead cockroaches near the wall or in the corners of the house and some body parts like legs and wings on the floors and corners could be a sign of roach problems in the house. 
Cockroaches’ egg cases
When you find egg cases of cockroaches (oothecae) in the house it means that cockroaches are dwelling inside your property.
How to get rid of them
Sanitation is a vital key in preventing and getting rid of cockroaches. Listed below are some advises that will help in preventing and getting rid of cockroaches.
There should not be dirty dishes that stay on the sink
From these dirty dishes cockroaches find food so, dirty dishes must not stay on the sink especially overnight when many cockroaches are very active.
Clean the crumbs immediately 
Crumbs that fall on the table, floor or anywhere should be cleaned immediately as these crumbs are food for the cockroaches.
Food stocks should be stored properly
The food stocks should be stored properly. Cockroaches are always on the hunt for food and our food stocks especially the ones that are not stored properly are an opportunity of food they surely would not miss.
Dispose garbage cans properly
Cockroaches love to feed on almost anything so garbage cans are certainly perfect places for them. Dispose your garbage properly and regularly. For your garbage cans, always make sure not to leave the lids open.
√ Always close cabinets and food containers
Cabinets are common places where cockroaches are always found. To make sure that there will be no cockroaches that will greet you when you open your cabinets and containers, always close them tightly ensuring there are no open spaces or gaps that will give way for them to get inside.
Inspect grocery bags
German cockroaches can enter the house by hitching on grocery bags, cartons and alike so it is important that these are inspected first before going inside the house.
Avoid stocking things near to the walls or corners
Avoid stocking piles of papers, books, book binds, clothes, shoes or anything that might attract cockroaches close to the walls or corners.
Avoid positioning cabinets and refrigerators very close to the wall
Avoiding positioning refrigerators and such very close to the wall can help also in preventing cockroaches as these are some of their favorite locations to have their nests.
Seal leakages
Many cockroaches love moist, we don’t want their presence so there should not be any perfect environment for them in our house. 

Remember, as long as there are foods and ideal shelter for cockroaches, it will be hard to prevent and get rid of them. Always make sure to check the house for any entry point of cockroaches. Inspect the house if there is like an “open invitation” for these pests like an open or exposed food source and an ideal environment. Cockroaches are very persistent if you want a long-term solution and if after your own efforts of inspection and eradication their presence remain, you'll probably want to hire an expert pest control company to assist you.

Common Household Pests: Where Are They Hiding?

Sometimes all we see is the evidence that they’re rummaging and causing damage in our house and many times for many people they only discover the presence of the pests when the pests have already inflicted pain and caused so much damage that cannot go unnoticed anymore. 
Some pests can be just everywhere where it's easy to see and some are very silent and very discreet like they really know the free food and shelter are over for them once they are detected. It is important to know where the common household pests are hiding so just in case these pests will want to play and hide and seek with the house owners, we know where to locate them.
Rats and mice
Rats and mice infestation poses a risk in human health so it is just right to look for them if homeowners suspect they have these unwanted guests in their house. Rats and mice are not picky eaters so they can really be everywhere. These pests are nocturnal so trying to catch them on the day might be a challenge. Rats and mice have poor eyesight but their other senses are very sharp.
Rats live in sewers because they are small and good climbers, just a small hole is enough for the rats to enter the house. You may find them nesting in the ceilings, attics, and cabinets. As for mice, you may find their nest in the ceilings too as well as in the walls, boxes, and under the appliances.
Cockroaches are widespread. There are thousands of species of cockroaches and around 30 to 35 of them are considered pests. Most of the common species that are found in homes are German cockroaches, Brown-banded cockroaches, American cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. Cockroaches are nocturnal so encountering them during the day could mean that there is a cockroach infestation already in the house.
Cockroaches are commonly nesting in crawls spaces, in the crowded and tight corners, inside kitchen cabinets, and under refrigerators and other standing appliances with narrow space from the floor. 
Bedbugs can enter home through luggage. Unlike other insects and pests, bedbugs do not have a nest or do not create nest but they like to live in groups. It is common knowledge that bedbugs can be found in the mattresses, beddings, box springs, and the headboards but they can also hide in crevices, cracks, and in almost anywhere if the house is heavenly infested.
Spiders can really give a fright. If you saw one in your house and lost sight of it and now curious where to look for it or them, try to look underneath the stairs in the basements or behind big frames and bookshelves.
Termites are pests that can be difficult to detect immediately. These pests are called silent destroyers because they could be feasting in the woods in the house, causing damage without really being obvious and noticed. Termites also eat and damage woods from inside to outside, so wood could look good and fine in the outside and damaged by termites inside. The three common termites found in homes are drywood termites, dampwood termites, and subterranean termites. 
Termites feed on woods so if you suspect there are termites in your house try to check the wood furniture, doors, floors and everything that is wood in your house. If you see mud tubes you can follow it because the mud tubes are usually near where the termites are nesting. Dampwood termites like moist so they can be found in wet woods. If there is a pile of clothes that are not stored properly, you can also inspect there because termites eat clothes too. Termites can also be located in stacks of papers and books in between their pages or in cardboard boxes. 
Crickets like cool, dark, and moist environments. Most of these pests are nocturnal and they are annoying because are very noisy. Crickets usually gather near indoor heaters and fireplaces. They can also be found in the kitchen.
House centipedes are not just scary because of how they look and how fast the crawl, but because their pinch is painful. It is easy to lose sight of centipedes when you see one because they crawl fast. House centipedes prefer to live where there is dampness so they are frequently come across in bathrooms. They can also be traced in closets, basements, and even in attics. Centipedes are nocturnal animals so it’s not usual to find one roaming in the day
House flies are also one of the common household pests but unlike some other pests, house flies do not hide or try to hide when there are people. They have a short life span but they can reproduce in large numbers rapidly. House flies are commonly active in the daytime. They can be seen in tables, floors, walls.  If you are curious where they go in the house during the night look at the electrical wires or any dangling strings in your house. You may also find them retiring for the night in the ceiling and on the corners. 
Most mosquitoes are resting in the daytime and active at night. It is not unknown that mosquitoes like still water, dampness, and darkness so look for an area in your house where there are any of those three and you may find mosquitoes. 
Some moth species are branded as pests because their larvae eat fabrics. It is worth it being attentive if there is a moth in the house because these pests can infest a house long before their presence is noticed. Clothes moths avoid light so they are usually found in closets, cupboards, basement, boxes, and attics.  
Paper Lice
They are also known as booklice, barkflies or barklice.  Booklouse or booklice although harmless is a nuisance and distressful to see. These pests are attracted to moist and they love paper so they can be found in books and paper materials. They can also be found growing in population in dark basements and window sills.
Normally, woodlice are always outside but they can crawl inside the house. Woodlice are attracted to damp areas but they are usually on the floor. Woodlice may be also found underneath doormats. 
Now, that we know where some of the common household pests usually hide and nest we can now look for them easily and confirm our suspicions if we are suspecting that they are hiding inside our house. Knowing their favorite hideouts, certainly, has perks: it will help us save time, effort, and we’ll know exactly which pest we are dealing with. So get to work and find an appropriate pest control service in North Brisbane. Start making your home absolutely pest free and of a healthy environment.